Does your service point reporting feel too basic to be useful or too complicated to be efficient? DeskStats is the simplest, yet most comprehensive statistics tool available. It provides a full and detailed picture about the work you do, using :
Save Significant Time
Statistics are simple and flexible
More meaningful statistics, simply captured and analyzed in far less time. Built-in reports allow analysis by all the different types of data collected, and the raw data can be exported to Excel, XML, or .csv compliant reporting tools, for custom analysis.
Freedom to gather statistics anywhere
Make sure you don’t lose any of the work your staff is performing. Use on a tablet or phone while you provide assistance on the run.
Simple to use means better statistics
Because DeskStats is so easy to use, staff training is minimal, and staff will record more accurate statistics. Batch mode even allows statistics to be recorded in arrears, when staff perform multiple services, or perform them away from a computer.
Efficient for every type of user
Each user can customize their spreadsheet and forms to be most efficient for the particular types of interactions they handle. This makes DeskStats easy to use even for very large organizations with a large number of services provided.
Simple, affordable pricing
You will be pleased with the cost-effectiveness when you see the time saved by staff recording services provided, and the significant time saved when producing statistical reports.
Full function free trial
Our trials provide assistance with set up and training, and allow for evaluation using a fully featured system. No strings attached. During the trial, we’ll build your real service, and can even put it into live use before any payment.
“DeskStats is the best part of my job.”
– Faculty Librarian / Associate Professor
Not collecting service point statistics yet, or just need to do it more efficiently?
DeskStats couldn’t be more efficient at capturing and reporting on the services you provide, with just a click or two:

Is DeskStats more than you need and you only want to know the on-the-spot work being provided by your Service Desks or Staff? DeskStats Express provides the DeskStats electronic tick sheet fully customized and focused on just meeting your service point needs, and so comes at a lower price point.